A full list of publications can also be found on Google Scholar.
Near-continuum gas flows to second order in Knudsen number with arbitrary surface accommodation
N. Ben-Shachar, J.T. Johnson, D.R. Brumley, J. Nassios, J.E. Sader
Journal of Statistical Physics in press (2025)
Hall field and odd viscosity in near-hydrodynamic electron flows
N. Ben-Shachar, J.T. Johnson, M. Madadi, D.R. Brumley, J. Nassios, J.E. Sader
Physical Review B in press (2025)
Near-hydrodynamic electron flow according to the linearized Boltzmann equation
N. Ben-Shachar, J.T. Johnson, M. Madadi, D.R. Brumley, J. Nassios, J.E. Sader
Physical Review B in press (2025)
Mass transport by ciliary point torques in flow
S.A. Selvan, P.W. Duck, D. Pihler-Puzović, D.R. Brumley
Journal of Fluid Mechanics in press (2025)
Poiseuille flow of a concentrated suspension of squirmers
T. Ishikawa, D.R. Brumley, T.J. Pedley
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1003, A23 (2025) [pdf]
Slower swimming promotes chemotactic encounters between bacteria and small phytoplankton
R. Foffi, D.R. Brumley, F. Peaudecerf, R. Stocker, J. Słomka
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 122 (2) e2411074122 (2025) (arXiv preprint)
Escape motility of multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes
X. Yang, M. Prakash, D.R. Brumley
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 21:20240310 (2024) [pdf]
Machine learning driven image segmentation and shape clustering of algal microscopic images obtained from various water types
F. Nelli, Z. Ge, L. Blackall, N. Taheriashtiani, R. Henry, D.R. Brumley, M. Grace, A. Jex, M. Burch, T.-F. Lin, C. Bertelkamp, A. Willis, L. Gao, J. Schmidt, N.D. Crosbie, A. Zamyadi
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Reports 1, 100014 (2024) [bioRxiv] [pdf]
Unique photosynthetic strategies employed by closely related Breviolum minutum strains under rapid short-term cumulative heat stress
P. Deore, S.J.T.M. Ching, M.R. Nitschke, D. Rudd, D.R. Brumley, E. Hinde, L.L. Blackall, M.J.H. van Oppen
Journal of Experimental Botany 75(13) 4005–4023 (2024) [pdf]
The propulsion direction of nanoparticles trapped in an acoustic field
P. Li, A.R. Nunn, D.R. Brumley, J.E. Sader, J.F. Collis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 984, R1 (2024) [pdf]
Cutting through host autofluorescence: fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for visualising intracellular bacteria in Symbiodiniaceae
P. Deore, S.J. Tsang Min Ching, D.R. Brumley, M.J.H. van Oppen, E. Hinde, L.L. Blackall
bioRxiv (2024)
Swimming towards each other: The role of chemotaxis in bacterial interactions
J.R. Seymour*, D.R. Brumley*, R. Stocker, J.-B. Raina*
Trends in Microbiology 32, 640-649 (2024)
Point torque representations of ciliary flows
S.A. Selvan, P.W. Duck, D. Pihler-Puzović, D.R. Brumley
Physical Review Fluids 8, 123103 (2023)
Structure of the streaming flow generated by a sphere in a fluid undergoing rectilinear oscillation
P. Li, J.F. Collis, D.R. Brumley, L. Schneiders, J.E. Sader
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 974, A37 (2023) [pdf]
Frontiers of Mathematical Biology: A workshop honouring Professor Edmund Crampin
R. Araujo, D.R. Brumley, J. Cursons, K. Day, M. Faria, J. Flegg, D. Germano, H. Hunt, P. Hunter, A. Jenner, S. Johnston, J.M. McCaw, P. Maini, C. Miller, W. Muskovic, J. Osborne, M. Pan, N. Shahidi, I. Siekmann, M. Stumpf, A. Zanca
Mathematical Biosciences 359, 109007 (2023) [pdf]
Chemotaxis increases metabolic exchanges between marine picophytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria
J.-B. Raina*, M. Giardina*, D.R. Brumley*, P.L. Clode, M. Pernice, P. Guagliardo, J. Bougoure, H. Mendis, S. Smriga, E. Sonnenschein, M.S. Ullrich, R. Stocker, J.R. Seymour
Nature Microbiology 8, 510-521 (2023)
Simultaneous visualization of flow fields and oxygen concentrations to unravel transport and metabolic processes in biological systems
S. Ahmerkamp, F. M. Jalaluddin, Y. Cui, D. R. Brumley, C. O. Pacherres, J. Berg, R. Stocker, M. MM Kuypers, K. Koren, L. Behrendt
Cell Reports Methods 2, 100216 (2022) [pdf]
Feedback loops between mathematics and microbiology
D. R. Brumley
Microbiology Australia 43, 32-35 (2022) [pdf]
Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM): a non-traditional approach to study host-microbial symbioses
P. Deore, I. Wanigasuriya, Sarah Jane T. M. Ching, D. R. Brumley, M. J. H. van Oppen, L. L. Blackall, E. Hinde
Microbiology Australia 43, 22-27 (2022) [pdf]
Pairwise scattering and bound states of spherical microorganisms
C. Darveniza, T. Ishikawa, T. J. Pedley, D. R. Brumley
Physical Review Fluids 7, 013104 (2022)
Rheology of a concentrated suspension of spherical squirmers: monolayer in simple shear flow
T. Ishikawa, D. R. Brumley, T. J. Pedley
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 914, A26 (2021) [pdf]
Cutting through the noise: bacterial chemotaxis in marine microenvironments
D. R. Brumley, F. Carrara, A. M. Hein, G. I. Hagstrom, S. A. Levin, R. Stocker
Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (2020) [pdf]
Generating Controlled, Dynamic Chemical Landscapes to Study Microbial Behavior
F. Carrara, D. R. Brumley, A. M. Hein, Y. Yawata, M. M. Salek, K. S. Lee, E. Sliwerska, S. A. Levin, R. Stocker
Journal of Visualized Experiments (155), e60589 (2020)
Bacteria push the limits of chemotactic precision to navigate dynamic chemical gradients
D. R. Brumley, F. Carrara, A. M. Hein, Y. Yawata, S. A. Levin, R. Stocker
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (22) 10792-10797 (2019) [pdf]
Stability of arrays of bottom-heavy spherical squirmers
D. R. Brumley and T. J. Pedley
Physical Review Fluids 4, 053102 (2019) [pdf]
Transitions in synchronization states of model cilia through basal-connection coupling
Y. Liu, R. Claydon, M. Polin, D. R. Brumley
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15:20180450 (2018) [pdf]
High-avidity IgA protects the intestine by enchaining growing bacteria
K. Moor, M. Diard, M. E. Sellin, B. Felmy, S. Y. Wotzka, A. Toska, E. Bakkeren, M. Arnoldini, F. Bansept, A. Dal Co, T. Völler, A. Minola, B. Fernandez-Rodriguez, G. Agatic, S. Barbieri, L. Piccoli, C. Casiraghi, D. Corti, A. Lanzavecchia, R. R. Regoes, C. Loverdo, R. Stocker, D. R. Brumley*, W.-D. Hardt*, E. Slack*
Nature 544, 498-502 (2017) [pdf]
Long-range interactions, wobbles, and phase defects in chains of model cilia
D. R. Brumley, N. Bruot, J. Kotar, R. E. Goldstein, P. Cicuta, M. Polin
Physical Review Fluids 1, 081201(R) (2016) [pdf]
Natural search algorithms as a bridge between organisms, evolution, and ecology
A. M. Hein, F. Carrara, D. R. Brumley, R. Stocker, S. A. Levin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(34), 9413–9420 (2016) [pdf]
Squirmers with swirl: a model for Volvox swimming
T. J. Pedley, D. R. Brumley, R. E. Goldstein
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 798, 165-186 (2016) [pdf]
Physical Limits on Bacterial Navigation in Dynamic Environments
A. M. Hein, D. R. Brumley, F. Carrara, R. Stocker, S. A. Levin
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13: 20150844 (2016) [pdf]
Flagella, flexibility and flow: physical processes in microbial ecology
D. R. Brumley, R. Rusconi, K. Son, R. Stocker
European Physical Journal Special Topics 224, 3119-3140 (2015) [pdf]
Live from under the lens: Exploring microbial motility with dynamic imaging and microfluidics
K. Son, D. R. Brumley, R. Stocker
Nature Reviews Microbiology 13, 761-775 (2015) [pdf]
Metachronal Waves in the Flagellar Beating of Volvox and Their Hydrodynamic Origin
D. R. Brumley, M. Polin, T. J. Pedley, R. E. Goldstein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12: 20141358 (2015) [pdf]
Flagellar Synchronization Through Direct Hydrodynamic Interactions
D. R. Brumley, K. Y. Wan, M. Polin, R. E. Goldstein
eLife 3, e02750 (2014) [pdf]
Hydrodynamic Synchronization and Metachronal Waves on the Surface of the Colonial Alga Volvox carteri
D. R. Brumley, M. Polin, T. J. Pedley, R. E. Goldstein
Physical Review Letters 109, 268102 (2012) [pdf]
Oscillation of Cylinders of Rectangular Cross-Section Immersed in Fluid
D. R. Brumley, M. Willcox, J. E. Sader.
Physics of Fluids 22, 052001 (2010) [pdf]