

Postdoctoral Fellows

Graduate Research Students

Former Group Members

  • Tristan Bunnage, MSc “Miscible Viscous Fingering Subject to an Oscillating Injection”
  • Rebecca Rasmussen, MSc “Impulsive breaststroke swimming at low Reynolds number, with application to Corixidae”
  • Shenru Duan, MSc “Noise Influences on Synchronization of Flagella Through Hydrodynamics and Basal Body Coupling”
  • Xinyi Yang, MSc “Navigation of magnetotactic bacteria in complex environments”
  • Rodney Dharma, MSc “Resolving Spatial Heterogeneity in Microbial Symbiosis”
  • Asher Pennicuik, MSc “An Investigation of Active Particle Systems by a Combined Complex Networks and Dynamical Systems Approach”
  • Timothy Cooper, MSc “Bacterial chemotaxis in multi-source nutrient environments”
  • Chris Darveniza, MSc “Bumping bacteria: a model for dense suspensions of self-propelling microbes”
  • Angus Butler, MSc “Ciliary flows of corals: An analytic representation”
  • Khaya Mpehle, MSc “A fluid dynamic model for the coral’s ciliary flows”