Cover image of Trends in Microbiology

We are excited to see that our paper, “Swimming towards each other: the role of chemotaxis in bacterial interactions“, has been featured on the cover of this month’s issue of Trends in Microbiology. Our work, published in collaboration with colleagues at University of Technology Sydney and ETZ Zurich, highlights how chemotactic sensing could represent an important, but largely overlooked, phenotype within bacterial interactions.



Paper in Journal of Experimental Botany

Congratulations to Dr. Pranali Deore for her latest publication, “Unique photosynthetic strategies employed by closely related Breviolum minutum strains under rapid short-term cumulative heat stress“.

While variation in thermal tolerance between species is well documented, variation between conspecific strains is understudied. This paper, published in Journal of Experimental Botany, found that Breviolum minutum strains employ distinct photoprotective strategies, resulting in different upper thermal tolerances.


Honourable Mention for Xinyi Yang

Congratulations to Xinyi Yang, whose poster, “Microswimmers in vortical flows”,
received an Honourable Mention at the 7th Microscale Ocean Biophysics Meeting on Heron Island this week. This meeting brought together more than 70 participants working across many disciplines, including marine biology, ecology, physical oceanography, soft and active matter, applied mathematics, and engineering.

Paper in Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids)

Congratulations to Peijing Li, for the second paper from her PhD, published today in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. This paper identifies the mechanism underlying reversal of propulsion direction of spherical particles trapped in an acoustic standing wave. This has implications for studying the flow field around particles of non-spherical geometries and for modelling suspensions of particles in acoustic fields.

Best student paper prize for Antony Selvan

Congratulations to Antony Selvan, who won the Best Student Paper Prize at the 2024 Mathematical Biology Special Interest Group (MBSIG) workshop at the University of South Australia. Antony’s paper, entitled “Point torque representations of ciliary flows” developed new singularity methods for representing the flow fields generated by cilia and flagella. This prize is for an exceptional paper in the field of mathematical biology, and comes with a cash award of 300 AUD, and an invitation to speak at the workshop.

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy paper

Our preprint posted on bioRxiv, led by Dr. Pranali Deore, uses fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and FISH to visualise intracellular bacteria in Symbiodiniaceae. Significant changes in the abundance of intracellular bacteria relative to autofluorescence in B. minutum cells were observed at initiation of light and dark conditions. We suggest that the onset of bacterial endosymbiosis is linked to the photoperiod driven changes in B. minutum life stages.

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